Lanimer Brochure 2019 Advertising

Following the success of the 2018 Lanimer Brochure (the first Lanimer Brochure to be prepared entirely in house by the Lanimer Publicity Sub-Committee), the Lanimer Committee is pleased to offer sales of adverts within the 2019 Lanimer brochure to local businesses and groups.

The Lanimer Brochure is a key source of fund raising revenue for the Lanimer Committee and makes a significant contribution to the running costs of our annual festivities. The 2019 Lanimer Brochure will be on sale from the 18th of May and has a reach of approximately 10,000 readers within Lanark and the surrounding areas – providing great visibility of your business within the local community.

Adverts are priced at the following competitive rates;

  • Full Page (colour / internal) @ £300
  • Half Page (colour / internal) @ £150
  • Quarter Page (colour / internal) @ £95
  • Inside Rear Cover @ £400

The above rates are based on print ready artwork being provided by advertisers. 

Adverts previously contained within the last years brochure will be re-used at no additional cost to advertisers. New artwork can be created by the Lanimer Publicity team for and additional charge of £30 per advert.

To allow for page setting & development of the 2019 Brochure – ALL ADVERTS MUST BE PAID BY MARCH 29th

Should you wish to advertise in our 2019 Brochure, please fill out the online form below;


Lanimer Brochure Advert (Please select)

I acknowledge that full payment of adverts by 29th March 2019 is required to ensure inclusion in the Brochure