Join us on the evening of Saturday the 10th June 2023 at Lanark Agricultural Centre to celebrate the finale of Lanimer Week 2023 in style!
Tickets for the ever popular 2023 Lanimer Ball are NOW ON SALE, with bookings being taken via our new online booking system.
Join us for a fantastic meal served by Gilbert and his team from Country Refreshments, followed by an evening of dancing and fun, being entertained by our returning band for 2023 Wireless.
The Lanimer Ball is always a fantastic way to celebrate a fantastic Lanimer Week with friends and family. Bookings are being taken for tables of 8 via our online booking system:
Bookings can also be made by post via using the printable form found at the following link:
Tickets are priced at £55 per person and include a premium 3 course meal from our menu shown below. All orders, including payment need to be returned by Wednesday 10th May to secure tickets.

We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a spectacular ending to Lanimer Week 2023!
Should you have an specific queries relating to the 2023 Lanimer Ball, please contact the Lord Cornets’ Club Lanimer Ball team at;