The Silver Club, begun in the 1980s, helps Lanimer fundraising through Lanark Lanimer Committee. It is a major contributor in raising funds for our annual traditional Lanimer events.
Lanark folk continue to be generous, despite hard times, helping to keep alive our Lanimer celebrations. Many can also testify that a £10 Silver Club ticket can be profitable! Every ticket is entered in 12 monthly draws, from January. 10 draws have a top prize of £100. In December and January the top prize is £1,000 and in June, the draw on Marches Night at the Cross produces four £1,000 winners. What is left over is donated to Lanimer Committee Funds
We are always keen to attract new members, particularly among those new to the town and its latest developments, but we never forget our loyal old friends. Please respond positively when our agents call. Our volunteers are vital in sustaining our Silver Club membership, renewable each year.

Silver Club winner Steve Bouchard from Jersey being presented with his £1,000 cheque by Jennifer Forrest.
We know that times are hard and even £10 is a big consideration in a family’s outlay, but think of what you get for your money. Young and old can walk the Marches; carrying the Birks; be entertained at the Cross and the Reception; ride in processions and chases on the old racecourse; join in the fun at the children’s treat and Lanimer afternoon at Castlebank. Then there are those unique memories generated by taking part in the Lanimer Court and, of course, being part of the great procession that snakes slowly round the town.
The coldest, wettest day never dampens the spirits of the faces alongside their ‘Lorry’, with pals all dressed up and ready to show off to those filling Lanark’s streets … and you don’t have to organise any of this! Just join in …Say, ‘Yes!’ when the agent calls, and take the best value for money gamble ever! Big prizes, great entertainment, community spirit and happy kids – all for just £10.