Raul A. Mascarenhas
Right-Hand Man

Geoff Smith
Left-Hand Man

Kenneth Lean
Raul Mascarenhas has been a general practitioner in Lanark since 1999. He is also a police surgeon and is the Clydesdale representative on the Local Medical Committee of Lanarkshire Health Board. Raul, whose surname is Portuguese, was born in Dundee, was raised in Helensburgh and is half Indian and half Scottish. His wife Selma is also a GP in Lanark. Their children, Ayla, Rohan and Kara attend Robert Owen Memorial Primary School (Kara attends the Nursery). All three also attend the Celia Orr School of Dancing, Rohan being its sole boy member. Watch for them at the Cross, dancing on Marches Night!
Raul is an accomplished pianist, a committee violinist. He is an organist and has played for services in Greyfriars, St Nicholas, Christ Church and the EU Kirk in Lanark, and at Forth Parish Church. His musicianship is also reflected in his membership of Lanark and Carluke Choral Union and previously, of the Committee of Music in Lanark in its early days.
The Lanimers has been part of Raul’s life for ten years, through the family’s involvement in the Kilninie Club and its Lanimer entries. This year will be no exception, but may prove to be a little more hectic! He is enjoying learning to ride, despite initial apprehension about a possible asthmatic reaction. He already has an eye on equestrianism as a possible future hobby. He is feeling relaxed, and is looking forward to his Lanimer duties in 2011 and beyond. When the time comes we wish him, ‘Safe Oot! Safe In’ and hope he, and his companions, Jamie Allan and George Lang, have a truly memorable Lanimer Week.