The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that Ross Fitzgerald has been selected as the Lord Cornet Elect for 2023.

A well known and hard working member of the Lanimer Committee, Ross has been a Committee Convener for the past 8 years, responsible for organising and coordinating our annual perambulation the Marches.
This year will be all the more special as Ross will lead up the perambulation on Monday the 5th June in advance of his installation as Lord Cornet at the Shifting of the Standard Ceremony.
An experienced rider, Ross is looking forward to representing the Royal Burgh of Lanark at Common Rides and festivals around the country. Ross has also been the official Lanimer Farrier for a number of years, bringing his professional skills to support our Lanimer Equestrian events.
2023 won’t be Ross’ first time riding in the Lanimer Procession in an official capacity, having held roles of both Outrider and First Lord in the Lanimer Court.
The selection committee, comprising representatives from various organisations within the Royal Burgh, visited Ross on Sunday evening and he was delighted to accept the role.
“I’m honestly still in shock!” said Ross, “I didn’t expect them to turn up, I think it’s the only time in my life I’ve been speechless!”

Ex Lord Cornet Daniel McGuinness (Lord Cornets’ Club), Mhairi Jamieson (Dean of Lanark Guildry),
Ex Lord Cornet Kenny Lean (Chairman of Lanimer Committee), Councilor Catherine McLymont (South Lanarkshire Council) &
Andy Morrison (Chairman, Royal Burgh of Lanark Community Council)
We wish Ross a very enjoyable year in office and would like to wish him, his family, friends and supporters a very HAPPY LANIMERS!

(all photos courtesy of John Prior)