In advance of Lanimer Week 2024, the Lanimer Committee has been hard at work planning our various events for our Lanimer Celebrations.
With regards to the 2024 Perambulation of the Marches, as part of our preparatory works a number of access and safety issues have been identified with a short section of the Perambulation route which will require, for this year only, the diversion of the Perambulation route as follows.
- The Perambulation will commence at the County Buildings, Hope Street at 6pm prompt.
- The Perambulation will follow along Hope Street to Waterloo Road.
- At the junction of Waterloo Road with Waterloo Drive, the route will turn right and proceed to the junction with Bellefield Road.
- At Bellefield Road the route will turn left, along Bellefield Road towards Jerviswood.
- Along Bellefield Road the route will be directed by stewards towards the Marchstone in the grounds of properties at Jerviswood, looping around, and then continuing along Bellefield Road following our traditional route towards the River Mouse at Leechford.
The Lanimer Committee would respectfully request that all those participating in the Perambulation follow, for this year only, the revised route and avoid the traditional route via the Stey Brae and Woodend.
The Lanimer Committee would also kindly like to remind those Perambulating the Marches that a number of sections of the route pass through private grounds, where access is granted by landowners through agreement with the Lanimer Committee on the night of the Perambulation only.
Members of the public should not attempt to access these parts of the route outwith the evening of the Perambulation and are asked to respect the privacy of landowners and residents. We would also kindly request that those perambulating please ensure that all litter is disposed of responsibly and that any dog mess is removed.
The ancient tradition of inspecting our March Stones within the River Mouse at the “Ducking Stane” and within Woodend will still be carried out by our Lord Cornet and his front party support. The Ducking Stane will be inspected prior to the Perambulation and the Woodend stone will be inspected as part of the Perambulation Route.
Whilst we are disappointed that there is a need to divert the route of this years Perambulations, you can be assured that the Lanimer Committee are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our traditional route will be reinstated next year, such that the the inhabitants of the Royal Burgh of Lanark carry out their heritable, irredeemable and inalienable right to Perambulate the route of the Marches of our Royal Burgh.
Plan of diversion at Jerviswood;