Having returned to the Cross the ceremony of the Shifting of the Standard takes place at 8.15 p. m. This consists of the returning of the Burgh Standard by the previous year’s Lord Cornet, after a speech in which he outlines the highlights of his year in office, to the Chairman of the Lanimer Committee. The Standard is in turn passed to the incoming Lord Cornet who is instructed to return it one year hence “unsullied and unstained”. Following the presentation to the Lord Cornet of his sash of office and his Cornets’ Club Badge. The party form a procession and marches to Castlebank Park where footraces for all ages are held. The evening concludes with the Lord Cornet’s Reception at which he plays host to those who have supported the Perambulation of the Marches and visitors.

The Shifting of the Standard 1937

The Cornet of 2004 returns the Standard “unsullied and unstained”

The Lord Cornet for 2005 receives the Standard