It’s beginning to feel a lot like Lanimers!
Tonight’s Fifth Illuminated Lanimer Winter Parade will see over 20 individual groups / band / performers take part in our biggest Winter Parade yet!

6 of our fantastic Lanimer Lorries from our fabulous 2019 Lanimer Day Procession will return, with a bit of added sparkle from some illuminations.
Please try to arrive early so you can explore the many shops and local business open as part of ‘Late Night Lanark’ with many offering special festive offers and treats.
Full details of the parade running order are available in the Lanimer Review Brochure – on sale at the kiosk in Tesco and Morrisons, as well as at the Tollbooth. All funds from the £3 cover price goes directly into next years Lanimer events.

Some important safety information as follows;
Spectators should note that the High Street will only be closed to traffic for the duration of the Parade (from 6.45pm till route is clear).
Roads will be OPEN AS NORMAL outwith the parade duration, and spectators should take appropriate care selecting a vantage point in advance of the parade.
Can we remind everybody to please NOT PARK in Alston’s Yard, opposite the Esso petrol Station in Ladyacre road.
Access will be required to the Lanimer Shed for the movement of Lanimer Lorries before and after the parade, it it is VERY important that this access is available from after 5pm this evening
Suggested Car Parking locations are as follows;
Braidfute Retail Park,
South Vennel (both in Bernards Wynd at at the South Lanarkshire Council Offices),
North Vennel,
Tesco (Gallowhill Road),
Morrisons (St Vincent Place),
South Lanarkshire Leisure (Thomas Taylor Ave.)

Please ensure you allow plenty time if traveling by car as we anticipate high traffic volumes as there is also an event taking place in the Lanark Memorial Hall this evening.
We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable evening and a very #merrylanimers !