The Lanimer Committee is delighted to announce that on Saturday 4th January, 2020, the Lord Cornet’s Selection Committee convened and selected Derek McGunniess to be Lanark’s Lord Cornet Elect for 2020

Derek is a member of Lanark Rugby Club, where he has held both playing and committee positions. He was instrumental in resurrecting the Club in 2005 and was voted on as Captain in 2006 a position which he held for 2 years, he then took up the position of Secretary. Derek is now the Vice President of Lanark Rugby Club and was part of the team behind the creation of Lanark Eagles where Derek coaches P4 Eagles section, a role which he thoroughly enjoys encouraging more children to participate in rugby.
Derek will have a different view of the marches this year, compared to previous years where he has been involved in stewarding the Marches with the Rugby Club.
Previously Derek was a playing member of Lanark and District Pipe Band for many years, where he enjoyed being part of the Lanimer procession and representing Lanark at numerous pipe band championships.
Derek joined Lanark Riding Association in 2015 and has participated in many ride outs in other towns across the past couple of years as well as taking part in our Lanimer ride out alongside the other members of the riding association.
Derek is honoured to be asked to be Lord Cornet Elect for 2020, his wife Gail and himself are very much looking forward to a great year celebrating with family and friends.
The Lanimer Committee would like to wish Derek and Gail all the best for the year ahead and hope they have a very memorable and Happy Lanimers.